There is some nervousness in the market, there’s a lot to be nervous about. Rates, employment, the virus.
The U.S. Census Bureau has shared some of the household experiences they have discovered while collecting the Census data during the pandemic, these results are very telling of our times, and the affect it is having on both the economy and the housing market.
Here are some highlights I found very interested:
27 million Americans have lost earnings during the pandemic
11.6 million lost jobs due to lay offs
Reduction in businesses: 10.2 million
Businesses closed temporarily: 8.5 million
Children not in school or no day care: 6.9 million affected
Two Income households are particularly affected by the ability to get day care and be able to work.
Folks are still very concerned about the pandemic and the toll it is taking on their household and associated state of mental health in the Country due to the threat of the virus. I don’t need to go through the numbers here, it’s very well known that the virus has physically affected millions globally and many million here in the U.S.
I find it interesting when you look at the numbers of how we feel now and how we’ve been affected by COVID-19.
Til next time, stay safe.