real estate

February 28, 2020

Will The Machine Replace Me?

People who have been in the mortgage industry for a long time, whether lenders, processors, real estate agents or brokers, investors or warehouse lenders, have been […]
April 14, 2020

Working? Not Working? Now What?

It’s an ever changing market these days, and everyday seems like it’s changing even faster.  Right now there is a lot of uncertainty, so it’s important […]
May 28, 2020


This week, we’re getting numbers in from the month of April with regards to housing and it’s not good news. In April, housing starts are down […]
June 2, 2020

Troubled Times

In today’s troubled times, we are experiencing unprecedented issues, that we wouldn’t have even thought were possible six months ago.  Of course, we’re talking about the […]
June 23, 2020

What Happens Come January?

I don't need to paint a picture of how dangerous this can be and will affect, greatly for sure, the mortgage market in the coming months. The question remains, what happens when forbearance ends and no qualified buyers will be flooding the market for refinances, sales, or foreclosures? There are approximately 4.2 million loans in forbearance through the end of June.